Half-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Amplifier Using Lumped-Element Transition |
Dong-Sik Eom, Hai-Young Lee |
Department of Electronics Engineering, Ajou University |
Hai-Young Lee,Email: hylee@ajou.ac.kr |
Abstract |
This paper proposes a half-mode substrate integrated waveguide (HMSIW) amplifier using lumped-element transition. The input and output impedances of this amplifier are matched by the lumped-element transition structure. This structure provides compact impedance and mode matching circuits between the HMSIW and a stand-alone amplifier. Surface mount technology inductors and capacitors are implemented to realize the lumped-element transition. A prototype of the proposed HMSIW amplifier shows 15 dB gain with 3 dB bandwidth of 4 to 7.05 GHz in a simulation and measurement. |
Key words:
Amplifier, Half-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide (HMSIW), Lumped Element, Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW), Transition |