Equivalent Model Analysis of Modified Satellite Antenna for Isoflux Pattern Generation |
Eun-Cheol Choi, Jae Wook Lee, Taek-Kyung Lee, Woo-Kyung Lee |
School of Electronics, Telecommunication and Computer Engineering, Korea Aerospace University |
Abstract |
This paper presents a theoretical approach for a modified turnstile antenna suitable for satellite communication in order to investigate the current distributions of radiators and radiation characteristics with equivalent model analysis. The proposed equivalent model is composed of an ideally horizontal dipole antenna and vertically loaded top-hat radiating elements. The required isoflux pattern with wide beamwidth has been achieved by attaching top-hat elements to the main radiators. In addition to illustrating radiation patterns, electrical performances like current distributions have been analyzed by mathematically manipulating the equations derived from the equivalent horizontal and vertical dipole model. |
Key words:
Circular Polarization (CP), Dipole Antenna, Equivalent Model, Isoflux Pattern, Turnstile Antenna |