A New Expression of Near-Field Gain Correction Using Photonic Sensor and Planar Near-Field Measurements |
Masanobu Hirose, Satoru Kurokawa |
National Metrology Institute of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology |
Abstract |
We propose a new expression of the near-field gain correction to calculate the on-axis far-field gain from the onaxis near-field gain for a directive antenna. The new expression is represented by transversal vectorial transmitting characteristics of two antennas that are measured by planar near-field equipment. Due to the advantages of the photonic sensor, the utilization of the new expression realizes the measurements of the on-axis far-field gains for two kinds of double ridged waveguide horn antennas within 0.1 dB deviation from 1 GHz to 6 GHz without calibrating the photonic sensor system. |
Key words:
Near-Field Gain, On-Axis Gain, Photonic Sensor, Planar Near-Field Measurements |