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J. Electromagn. Eng. Sci > Volume 12(1); 2012 > Article
Journal of the Korean Institute of Electromagnetic and Science 2012;12(1):77-84.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5515/JKIEES.2012.12.1.77   
Development of a MIMO-OTA System with Simplified Configuration
Karasawa., Yoshio, Yannes Gunawan, Sahrul Pasisingi, Katsuhiro Nakada, Akira Kosako
Advanced Wireless Communication Research Center, University of Electro-Communications
This paper introduces our development of a MIMO-OTA system with simplified configuration. The key element of our proposal is the adoption of an antenna branch-controlled configuration for generating multipath delayed waves. The signal processing is carried out on IF band signal with an FPGA in a fading-emulator-type MIMO-OTA measurement system. The proposed scheme is largely different from available system configurations for the fading simulator method of constructing the OTA test environment. We describe the principle of the proposed scheme, channel model incorporated in the system, basic configuration of the developed system, and its performance.
Key words: MIMO, OTA, Fading Emulator, Wideband Channel, Propagation Channel Model


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