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J. Electromagn. Eng. Sci > Volume 7(3); 2007 > Article
Journal of the Korean Institute of Electromagnetic and Science 2007;7(3):138-146.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5515/JKIEES.2007.7.3.138   
A Conical-Cylindrical Monopole Antenna
Hye-Mi Jeong, Seong-Bae Park, Choon-Won Kim, Ononchimeg Sodnomtseren, Jai-Hoon Bang, Biemg-Chearl Ahn
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Chungbuk University
In this paper, a monopole antenna of conical-cylindrical compound shape is presented. The conventional circular conical monopole antenna is modified by placing a cylinder at the top of the inverted cone. The cylindrical portion is useful in the wide band impedance matching, in adjusting the antenna gain in the horizontal direction, and in reducing the cone diameter. The dependence of the antenna performance on various geometric parameters is investigated using a commercial electromagnetic simulation software, from which an optimum design of the antenna is derived. The diameter of the circular ground plane is minimized to 115 wavelength at the lowest operating frequency. The antenna proposed in this study shows a reflection coefficient less than -10 dB and a 1${sim}$6 dBi gain over 3${sim}$20 GHz frequencies. The antenna shows a circular-symmetric radiation pattern in the horizontal plane and a null-free pattern in the vertical direction over the whole operating frequency range.
Key words: Monopole Antenna, Ultrawideband Antenna, Antenna Design


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