Resonant Characteristics of Triple-Mode Dielectric Resonators
Jae-Yoon Myung, Sang-Won Yun, Namshin Park, Donyong Lee, Byungchul Kim, Jeonghee Won, Inho Na, Geonho Jang, Xu-Guang Wang
J. Electromagn. Eng. Sci. 2014;14(1):9-14.     DOI:
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Compact Triple-Mode Bandpass Filter Using a Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator
Geon-Ho Jang, Nam-Shin Park, Byung-Chul Kim, Don-Yong Lee, Jung-Hee Won, Xu-Guang Wang
The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic.2015; 26(1): 30.     CrossRef